La multivocalità di Gabriella Ghermandi: memorie postcoloniali, world music ed ethiojazz


  • Gianpaolo Chiriacò Freie Universität Bozen



This article discusses the work of Gabriella Ghermandi as a singer by adopting the concept of multivocality. First, the analysis focuses on the theme of the memories of Italian colonial pasts, as it is central both in the novel that Ghermandi wrote and published in 2007 and in the first release of Atse Tewdros Project, the musical band that she founded and leads. The idea of tizita, as it is conceived in the Amharic language and in the Ethiopian culture in order to express a complex approach to memory has been incorporated in the analysis. Later, the investigation delves into Ghermandi’s musical choices and experiences while presenting the categories of world music and ethio-jazz. Finally, the second release of Atse Tewodros Project will be considered highlighting the ideas of mobility and multivocality. The standpoint presented draws from both popular music studies and ethnographic observations. The analyses of musical releases and musical elements has been supported by multiple conversations and interviews with Ghermandi and her band members, and by the observation ofseveral concerts and performances.

Author Biography

  • Gianpaolo Chiriacò, Freie Universität Bozen
    Professor of Ethnomusicology






Contributions I: Analysis and Theory

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