Immaginari e rappresentazioni della transculturalità attraverso le voci rap/trap dei ‘nuovi italiani’


  • Cecilia Ridani université paris nanterre



The aim of this study is to analyze the different ways how the rap/trap production of artists born or raised in Italy by foreign parents lends to questioning and describing contemporary  society in the light of the dynamics of globalization. The hybrid nature and the ideological complexity which are at the basis of the rap and trap genre,  collects, on one hand the legacy of colonialism and migration, and, on the other hand, it shows an innovative scenario in which sound and cultural diversity are an integral part of a transnational and transcultural process. By  favoring an approach that transcends national boundaries, the analysis of the lyrics of these artists leads us to reflect on at least four points: the relationship between the trans/post-colonial condition and identity, linguistic syncretism as a reflection of  trans-culture, the depiction of the foreigner between stereotypes and false representations, the proximity between the different ‘South’ present on the Italian territory.


