Musica di contrabbando: il dadaismo proto-punk degli Squallor


  • Giuliano Scala Aix-Marseille Université - Federico II di Napoli
  • Stefania Bernardini



Between the ‘60s and ‘80s Italian music was strongly conditioned by two contrasting events: on the one hand, there was a censorship that often forced artists to modify the lyrics of their songs, from the attenuation to the distortion of the meaning, in order to avoid the risk of being banned from the diffusion channels. On the other hand, a parallel, underground and irreverent phenomenon, which was embodied in the name of a band: Gli Squallor. They are the only band in the history of Italian song who have managed to become a cult phenomenon without any advertising and outside the official sales circuit, but only through word of mouth and thanks to the effectiveness of a desecrating parody that went beyond the limits of respectability and the claim of modesty in that period.


